We know small business.
August 14th 2024

My role at ICAS – Reflections and looking to the future

Many of my clients are aware of my work outside of Scholes CA, with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS).

For those unfamiliar, ICAS is a professional body for accountants, offering qualifications (including CPD), regulation, support, and advocacy for its members in the profession.

Recently, I was honoured to serve as Vice President (VP) of the institute and, in May, I had the further honour of being named Deputy President.

Now that I have taken this step up, I wanted to reflect on my time as VP and look towards the future of both my role and the institute itself.

Looking back on a successful Vice Presidency

During my tenure as VP, one of our primary goals was to enhance member engagement.

We prioritised hosting events and maintaining strong lines of communication, particularly with small to medium-sized practices as well as getting an understanding of the challenges our members faced.

Fundamentally, the goal was also to anticipate how our profession would evolve and get ready for the future.

Key issues such as the shift towards cloud-based accounting and the impacts of Making Tax Digital (MTD) were at the forefront of our discussions.

We continually asked ourselves which services would remain relevant and valued by clients regardless of where technology took us.

We found that the role of advice in our profession is arguably the most crucial, and we must ensure we remain trusted advisers even as we adapt and grow.

Yes, technology might take over some of the accounting services, but giving tax and business advice will always be uniquely ‘our thing.’

On a personal note, one of the highlights of my time as VP was the admission ceremony for new ICAS members.

Witnessing the bright future of ICAS and the sheer number of young people getting involved was truly inspiring, and I look forward to next year’s ceremony.

We also focused on not losing sight of the ICAS Foundation’s goals and targets.

The 25 Foundation Challenge was a remarkable initiative, ranging from cooking challenges, skydiving, running, cycling and walking events.

The institute asked for 25 chartered accountants to volunteer in the scheme, and I personally hosted a ‘live jive’ event.

As a group, we raised over £25,000 for the foundation – a great achievement!

Promoting the work of the foundation remains one of my top priorities, ensuring it continues to support and uplift our community and get young people interested in a career in accountancy.

Looking forward: The next stages in my journey

As I step into the role of Deputy President, my focus has shifted slightly to one of ethical leadership and building trust within our profession.

The perception of accountants as mere "bean counters" is outdated and, in my opinion, must change.

We need to encourage students to consider a career in accounting by showcasing its value and the excitement and rewards of alternative career paths to major positions in business and the corporate world.

The institute promotes a complete range of career options (both nationally and internationally) with opportunities that lead to almost every sector and position.

We must remain proactive, balancing optimism with the recognition that significant work lies ahead.

At Scholes CA, for example, we have expanded into technical advice areas, recognising the importance of evolving our services to be at the forefront of client needs and requirements.

As our clients bring in more complex requests, we’ve started to expand into things like share valuations, EMI schemes, corporate restructuring, and succession plans – more technical than we’ve offered in the past and very important to get right from an advisory standpoint.

As professionals, we’ve got to know when to change our operating practices – this is the mark of a sharp and adaptive firm.

Of course, our commitment to preparing students for the future also remains very strong.

Both ICAS and Scholes CA are dedicated to providing clear pathways to qualifications and ensuring young people are well-equipped to navigate the evolving nature of our profession.

My journey with ICAS as VP has been both challenging and rewarding and, as I carve my name on the role of Deputy President, I am filled with optimism.

Together, we will continue to build on our successes, confront new challenges head-on, and uphold the values that make our profession so amazing.

I look forward to what lies ahead, both for ICAS and Scholes CA, as we strive to be leaders in our field and trusted advisers to our clients.

I’m always happy to discuss my role at ICAS, so please get in touch if you’d like a chat!
Email enquiries@scholesca.co.uk or call +44 (0) 1856 872983.

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